• Architectural Control Committee

    The ACC is responsible for enforcing the community’s architectural standards governing construction of homes, fencing, landscapes or other Structures proposed for any Lot.  The architectural standards are set forth in Article VI of the Declaration of Protective Covenants and Restrictions for The Preserve at Harveston (“Declaration”) and The Preserve at Harveston Standard Specifications.  The ACC Committee also reviews proposals for modification of structures that are submitted by Owners under the provisions of Article V, Paragraph 4 of the Declaration.

  • Landscape and Grounds Committee

    The Landscape and Grounds Committee is responsible for overseeing the landscape and grounds of all Common Areas including the ponds, pond banks and bridges and making periodic inspections of these areas to determine whether the company having the landscape maintenance contract (“Company”) is providing adequate maintenance work to properly care for all plants and trees situated in Common Areas and to maintain and enhance the beauty of the neighborhood and the value of the property.  The members of this committee would coordinate with the Company to address problems relating not only the care of the landscape and grounds of the Common Areas, but those concerning the irrigation system, water well or the irrigation pump in Pond 6.  This committee would also be responsible for identifying erosion occurring in any of our Common Areas.

  • Facilities Committee

    The Facilities Committee is responsible for overseeing the condition of the clubhouse, fitness center, mail center, the community garden and all pocket park infrastructure (“Facilities”) together with identification of repairs and replacements and the scope of work to remedy any defects in the condition of the Facilities.  The members of this committee should have a working knowledge of construction methods and materials, see Note #1. 

    In addition to the above, this committee is responsible for handling all aspects of the rental of the clubhouse and garden boxes to Owners.

  • Pool Committee

    The Pool Committee is responsible for overseeing the condition of the pool, pool deck, pool equipment, pool furniture and other accessories together with identification of repairs and replacements and the scope of work to remedy any defects in the condition of the above-mentioned items.  The members of this committee should have a working knowledge of pools, pool decks and pool equipment.

  • Welcome and Social Committee

    The Welcome Committee and Social Committee’s mission is to provide a warm welcome to the newest members of the community and make available the essential information needed in order to make their transition into the community go as smoothly as possible. In addition, this committee is responsible for organizing any social events that occur within the Preserve at Harveston community, to which all Preserve at Harveston Owners are invited.

  • Communications and Website Committee

    The Communication and Website Committee works together with the HOA Board to inform, engage, and educate residents regarding issues important to their understanding of, and participation in, the neighborhood while promoting and maintaining positive lines of communication with Preserve at Harveston Owners. All communications will be subject to Board review.

  • Clubhouse Rental Committee

    The Clubhouse Rental Committee is responsible for management of the clubhouse rentals, bookings and contracts.

  • Preservation Garden Committee

    The Preservation Garden Committee oversees the renting of individual garden boxes and the upkeep up the common garden grounds and facilities.

  • Security and Alarms Committee

    The Security Committee is responsible for management of the Security systems and cameras in and around the Preserve and related contracts for monitoring same.